Monday, November 29, 2004

Choosing a Successor to Dan Rather

In looking at who would be the perfect successor to Dan Rather over at CBS, it would be great to have John Roberts (a Canadian) who used to be called J.D. Roberts when he was a veejay on Much Music and a journalist on City TV in Toronto, Canada. He's got an interesting bio and he's a cool guy too.

As Doug Powers writes, if CBS isn't afraid to show its bias, they should go outside the network to find a much better choice as anchor. A great spinmeister, James Carville comes to mind first.
"Entertaining, fiercely partisan, and unapologetic about it, Carville isn't afraid to admit when he's wrong. On "Meet the Press" recently, James pulled out an egg and smashed it on his head, covering his dome and mug with slimy yolk, the egg oozing down his warlock-esque face, a visual that must have made even the hardiest of iron-bellied Cajuns projectile hurl their gumbo halfway across Shreveport. Carville did it to demonstrate how he had egg on his face after predicting Kerry would win the election. This kind of shtick would be great on the network news, and had Rather done this, it could have saved his job." Click here for the full story.

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