Monday, March 27, 2006

P2P keeps getting interesting...

The company behind Morpheus (the music/video downloading service), StreamCast has filed a lawsuit against Skype (recently bought by ebay). Read more about it here.

At the core of the complaint is the FastTrack P2P technology, which went from Kazaa to Sharman and eventually ended up in Skype. StreamCast claims that it had the first dibs on this technology, which they say is part of Skype. The whole suit begs the question of, how much, and how carefully, did EBay do their due diligence before their 2-4 billion dollar purchase?

Monday, March 06, 2006

Like Father, Like Sun?

Have Scott McNealy and Sun Microsystems been copying ads and pitches from his father's former company, American Motors Corp(AMC). In 1974, amid the decade's oil troubles, AMC promoted its Gremlin as the car to buy to "relieve the fuel shortage." And this year, with oil costing more than $60 per barrel, Sun has chosen to spotlight the energy efficiency of its T1 servers. "Sip energy, gulp data," one ad reads, while another pictures a server chained to a tree slated for harvesting. Read more here.