Thursday, March 20, 2008

Edelman Releases Trust Barometer: Who Do We Trust?

Doron's Take:

It's not a big surprise that we trust our friends and relatives for purchase decisions, etc. more than we do companies like Apple, Microsoft or Procter and Gamble and people like doctors or academic experts.

Edelman released a study that says: "Global opinion leaders say their most credible source of information about a company is now “a person like me,” which has risen dramatically to surpass doctors and academic experts for the first time, according to the seventh annual Edelman Trust Barometer, a survey of nearly 2,000 opinion leaders in 11 countries. In the U.S., trust in “a person like me” increased from 20% in 2003 to 68% today. Opinion leaders also consider rank-and-file employees more credible spokespersons than corporate CEOs (42% vs. 28% in the U.S.)."

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